Summer Undergraduate Research Vocation Experience

Pursue Science as Vocation
The Summer Undergraduate Research Vocation Experience (SURVE) program at the University of Mary provides paid, science-research, internship experiences to undergraduates while promoting an understanding of “science as vocation.” Throughout the program, students conduct hands-on, faculty-mentored, basic science research, design and perform experiments, analyze and interpret data, as well as draw conclusions and communicate their results.
Program Highlights
SURVE students begin by working on guided projects under the supervision of a dedicated faculty member. After building the skills and learning the strategies they need to perform successful laboratory research, students gain increasing levels of independence. In our program, students can expect to:
- Design and perform their own experiments
- Experience an intentional and authentic scientific community
- Learn about the nature of science and the vocation of the scientist
- Prepare for graduate, medical, or professional school